Nestled within the captivating landscape of Saint Thomas, Jamaica, Reggae Falls, also known as Dam Head, emerges as an enchanting marvel of nature. This breathtaking waterfall, steeped in a compelling history, promises an adventure waiting to be discovered.

Finding Reggae Falls

Locating this gem requires more than GPS guidance. Embrace the scenic route starting from Half-Way-Tree, passing through picturesque towns like Harbour View and Bull Bay before reaching the captivating Hillside community. Note that relying on locals’ directions proves more fruitful than technological aids.

Upon arrival, spotting a resident to guide you as to where to park is essential since parking is in a dry part of the river bed. It’s beneficial to follow their guidance, as navigating the area might be challenging without local insight.

Exploring Reggae Falls

Reggae Falls stands as a powerful cascade, boasting a height of approximately 70 feet, cascading into the Johnson River. While swimming might not be feasible due to its shallow waters, the area invites activities like picnicking, photography, and gentle hiking. The daring might explore hidden pools behind rock formations.

Additionally, some locals might offer guidance on climbing the steep hillsides, but it’s recommended not to attempt this without proper equipment or experience.

Interacting with Locals

Engaging with the locals enriches the experience. Meeting individuals like “Riva-man,” committed to preserving the site’s cleanliness, sheds light on community values. However, recent updates indicate a nominal fee of $500 per person, emphasizing the need for responsible tourism.

Respecting the environment and the local community is crucial. Supporting initiatives aimed at preserving the cleanliness and sustainability of this natural treasure is paramount.

Practical Tips for Visiting Reggae Falls:

  • Reliable Directions: When planning your route, rely more on locals than GPS. Use their guidance to navigate to the waterfall, as GPS might be unreliable due to poor connection or inaccurate data;
  • Parking Spot Hunt: Upon arrival, seek guidance from locals for parking spots. It’s crucial as parking is in a dry part of the river bed, and finding the right spot can be challenging without locals’ help;
  • Waterfall Activities: Despite shallow waters, Reggae Falls offers picnicking, photography, and gentle hikes. Some adventurous souls might explore hidden pools behind rocks, but safety should be a priority;
  • Interacting with Locals: Engaging with locals can enrich your experience. Respect their recommendations and support their initiatives for cleanliness and sustainability in the area;
  • Practical Advice: Follow locals’ advice, travel in groups for added safety, and bring food and water as nearby shops are scarce;
  • Responsible Tourism: Adhere to responsible tourism practices by disposing of waste properly and respecting the natural environment to preserve this natural spot for future generations.

This list will enhance your experience visiting Reggae Falls while ensuring safety and preserving the natural beauty of the area.


Reggae Falls embodies an untouched paradise, offering an immersive experience in Saint Thomas’s natural beauty. As you bid adieu to this hidden treasure, leave behind only footprints, cherishing the memories of a pristine escapade in Jamaica.